Our Logo Story

The core of the National Guardians network symbol is the noble moose, representing the animals and the land. The moose is a recognizable icon of the majestic Canadian wild, symbolizing endurance, strength, determination, and tenacity.

The antlers of the moose are composed of people, representing the land guardians, the network, community, support and the collective sharing of knowledge.

The eyes of the moose are composed of the silhouette of a bird representing the sky. They are often seen as messengers, teaching us how to live in connection with other living beings.

The whale tale, representing the ocean and everything in it. They are often associated with protection, and community.

The nostrils of the moose are composed of fish representing our waters. Fish are often utilized in our ceremonies, reminding us to honour, protect and thank Mother Earth for all her gifts.

The rising sun, signifying a new day and a new season. It often symbolizes enlightenment and knowledge.